TTAA 52121 71853 99001
09421 03003 00050
09421 03003 85525 11056 25014
TTAA YYGGI IIiii 99PoPoPo ToToTaoDoDodododofofo00hhh TTTaDDdddff 85hhh TTTaDDdddff
88180 661// 33563 77176
33563 41008 51515 10164 00012
88PtPtPt TtTtTatDtDtdtdtdtftft 77PmPmPm dmdmdmfmfm vbvb0vava
51515 101AdfAdf
TTAA. Identifies Part A of the Temp
Ship code.
YYGGI Date Time Group.
a. YY. Identifies the date in two digits.
b. GG. Identifies the zulu hour in two digits.
c. I. Indicates the highest mandatory level for
which winds are reported.
IIiii. The station block and number.
99popopo Indicator for surface data.
a. 99. Indicator.
b. popopo. The code for the surface pressure.
TtTtTatDtDt Temperature and Dew Point
Depression at the surface.
a. TtTt. Surface temperature in degrees Celsius.
b. Tat. Sign for the surface temperature. 0=positive temps, 1=negative temps.
c. DtDt. Dew Point Depression for the Surface. Subtract this from the temperature to get
surface Dew Point.
dtdtdtftft Surface winds.
a. dtdtdt. Wind direction to the nearest 5 degrees. For
wind speeds over 100 knots, 1 is
added to the direction.
(ex: 112 degrees at
112 kts = 11112, 110 degrees plus 1. 115 degrees at 112 kts = 11612, 115
degrees plus 1)
b. ftft. Wind speed in whole knots.
00hhh 1000mb level pressure height.
a. 00. Indicator for 1000mb data.
b. hhh. Coded
pressure height.
TTTaDD Temperature and dew point for
the pressure level
a. TT. Pressure level temperature in degrees
b. Ta. Sign for the temperature. 0=positive temps, 1=negative temps.
c. DD. Dew Point Depression for the pressure
level. Subtract this from the
temperature to
get the Dew Point.
dddff Wind at the pressure level.
a. ddd. Wind direction to the nearest 5 degrees. For
wind speeds over 100 knots, 1 is added
to the direction.
b. ff. Wind speed in whole knots.
85hhh 850mb level pressure height.
a. 85. Indicator for the 850 mb height.
b. hhh. Coded pressure height.
TTTaDD Temperature and dew point
for the pressure level
a. TT. Pressure level temperature in degrees
b. Ta. Sign for the temperature. 0=positive temps, 1=negative temps.
c. DD. Dew Point Depression for the pressure
level. Subtract this from the
temperature to
get the Dew Point.
dddff Wind at the pressure level.
a. ddd. Wind direction to the nearest 5 degrees. For
wind speeds over 100 knots, 1 is added
to the direction.
b. ff. Wind speed in whole knots.
88PtPtPtTropopause data.
a. 88. Indicator for tropopause data.
b. PtPtPt. Pressure height of the tropopause.
TtTtTatDtDt Temperature and dew
point for the pressure level
a. TtTt. Tropopause temperature in degrees Celsius.
b. Tat. Sign for the tropopause temperature. 0=positive temps, 1=negative temps.
c. DtDt. Dew Point Depression for the tropopause. Subtract this from the temperature to get
trop Dew Point.
dtdtdtftft Winds at the Tropopause.
a. dtdtdt. Wind direction to the nearest 5 degrees. For
wind speeds over 100 knots, 1 is
added to the direction.
b. ftft. Wind speed in whole knots.
77PmPmPm Max wind pressure level.
(if this is at or above the data field group starts with 66)
a. 77. Indicator for the Max Wind data.
b. PmPmPm. Coded pressure at the Maximum Wind Level.
dmdmdmfmfm Maximum winds
a. dmdmdm. Wind direction to the nearest 5 degrees. For
wind speeds over 100 knots, 1 is
added to the direction.
b. fmfm. Wind speed in whole knots.
VbVb0VaVa Vector difference above
and below the max wind level.
a. VbVb. Vector difference between the Max wind level
and the winds 3000 feet below.
b. VaVa. Vector difference between the Max wind level
and the winds 3000 feet above.
21212 -Data for additional levels, with respect to winds.
31313 -Data for Sea Surface Temperature and
Sounding System.
41414 -Wind data.
51515 101AdfAdf. Coded data assigned regionally.
51515-59595 -Code groups developed
61616-69696 -Code groups
developed nationally.
TTBB 5212/ 71853
00975 09421 11921
PPBB 52120 72764
90023 12507 14511 18518
TTBB. Indicator for Part B of the Temp Ship
YYGG/. Date and hour of the observation.
IIiiii. Station block and number.
00ppp. First significant level. Each additional
level is numbered accordingly.
a. 00. Indicator for group.
b. ppp. Pressure height for the group.
TTTaDD. Temperature and dew point for the pressure
a. TT. Pressure level temperature in degrees
b. Ta. Sign for the temperature. 0=positive temps, 1=negative temps.
c. DD. Dew Point Depression for the pressure
level. Subtract this from the
temperature to
get the Dew Point.
PPBB. Indicator for the Pilot Ship winds report.
YYGGa. Date Time Group.
a. YY. Identifies the date in two digits.
b. GG. Identifies the zulu hour in two digits.
c. a. Indicator
specifying type of wind measuring equipment used (0- pressure and wind
instruments; 1,2- theodolite; 3- radar; 4- same as 0, but
the equipment failed during the
9tnu1u2u3. Identifies the heights of the following three
wind groups.
a. 9. Indicator for this group.
b. tn Tens digit of the altitude, expressed in
increments of 10,000' MSL applying to the
data groups which follow. Example: "4" means winds
between 40.000' and 50,000' MSL follow.
c. u1,u2,u3 Units digit of the altitude, expressed in
increments of 1,000 feet, which applies
to the first, second, and third data groups following.
dddff. Wind at the identified level.
a. ddd. Wind direction to the nearest 5 degrees. For
wind speeds over 100 knots, 1 is added
to the direction.
b. ff. Wind speed in whole knots.
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