Introducing Turbulence

 Introducing Turbulence (from Meted)

Turbulence at all levels of the atmosphere is a major concern for the aviation industry. It often goes undetected in cloud-free areas, catching pilots off guard when they fly into it. Turbulence can injure passengers and crew and cause structural damage to aircraft.
Turbulence is part of the Aeronautical Meteorological Forecaster (AMF) competency standards, which require that warnings be issued in a timely manner when hazardous conditions, such as turbulence, are expected to occur or when parameters are expected to reach documented threshold values. Warnings also need to be updated or cancelled according to documented warning criteria. When turbulence (moderate or greater) is forecasted, its onset and duration, intensity, spatial extent, and type (orographic, mechanical, convective, and clear air) need to be indicated.
Pilots often do not report turbulence to aviation forecasting centers. However, advances in satellite imaging now make it possible to detect atmospheric signatures that can help identify the likely presence of turbulence without waiting for it to be reported. This is particularly helpful for clear air turbulence, the most challenging type of turbulence to forecast and therefore the focus of this lesson.

Turbulence is caused by marked changes in wind speed and/or direction, either vertically or horizontally. Turbulence encountered by aircraft in flight results in bumpy, uncomfortable, and sometimes dangerous flying conditions.
According to the UK Met Office Handbook of Aviation Meteorology, turbulence is categorized as light, moderate, or severe with the following thresholds:
·      Light turbulence: 2.6 to 8m/s (5 to 15kt) aircraft airspeed fluctuations occur with gust velocities on the order of 1.5 to 6 m/s (5 to 20 feet/second). Passengers may be required to use seatbelts but loose objects within the aircraft remain at rest.
·      Moderate turbulence: 8 to 13 m/s (15 to 25kt) airspeed fluctuations occur with 6 to 11 m/s (20 to 35 feet/second) gust velocities lasting approximately 11 minutes. Passengers require seatbelts and are occasionally thrown against them. Loose objects move about. Frequent rolling of aircraft occurs and it is hard to walk about in the aircraft.
·      Severe turbulence: Airspeed fluctuations greater than 13 m/s (25kt) occur with 11 to 30 m/s (35 to 50 feet/second) gust velocities lasting approximately 7 minutes. The aircraft may lose control momentarily, and it is difficult to maintain flight altitude. Passengers are thrown violently in their seats, and loose objects are tossed about.
This lesson focuses on moderate and severe turbulence, since light turbulence is not considered an aviation hazard according to the International Civil Aviation Organisation or ICAO.
The rest of this section describes the various types of turbulence, including convective, mountain wave or orographic, and clear air turbulence.

Convective activity is a common cause of turbulence. Localized areas of ascending and descending vertical air lead to wind shear. According to the WMO Education and Training Programme ETR-20 (WMO/TD-No. 1390) on Aviation Hazards, windshear consists of layers or columns of air flowing with different velocities (i.e. speed and/or direction) from adjacent layers or columns." Any sudden crossing of the layers or column boundaries may be sensed as turbulence, with corresponding consequences.
The following table describes the intensity of turbulence typically associated with the various types of convective motion.

Vertical velocity
Vertical velocity
Vertical velocity


Small medium cumulus
Light (fbl)
Towering cumulus (TCU)
Cumulonimbus (CB)
Severe storms
Dry thermals
Up to 25
Up to 50
Up to 5000

Depending on a variety of factors, mountain waves may develop on the leeward side of mountain barriers, resulting in turbulence close to the ridges of the mountains. Wave motions continue for hundreds of kilometers downstream. Note that clear air turbulence associated with mountain waves is more severe and has a greater extent on the lee of mountain ridges than the lee of isolated peaks.
Mountain waves, which are also known as gravity waves, need a sufficiently strong wind component perpendicular to the top of the mountain to develop. There are two types of mountain waves:
·      Trapped waves: These form when wind speeds increase with height and/or a less stable layer overlies a stable layer. Wave energy is trapped within the respective horizontal layers at mostly low levels and propagates downwind.  
·      Un-trapped waves: These waves, also known as vertically propagating waves, develop under stable conditions and/or with low wind speeds, particularly around wide mountains. The wave energy is propagated upwards, and the waves can often be seen in the upper levels of the troposphere and even the stratosphere.
This graphic below shows streamlines associated with a vertically propagating mountain wave:

Hopkins (1977) described CAT forecasting techniques for the North America Rocky Mountains, but the same principles can hold for other mountainous regions. Usually, good indicators for forecasting mountain wave-induced turbulence are:
·      Wind speed ≥ 20kt at any level from the ground up to 500 hPa
·      Wind crossing the ridge line at an angle within 30 degrees of normal
·      Rapidly falling pressure to the lee of the mountain
·      Temperature gradient > 5°C/100 km across or along the mountain barrier

Clear air turbulence (CAT) is the term used to describe middle- or high-level turbulence produced in regions of marked windshear. As the name suggests, CAT forms in regions absent of clouds, making it difficult to detect visually. However, the presence of particular cloud signatures can often signify that CAT is present in adjacent areas. We will examine these cloud signatures in the case study.
CAT can occur at any time of the year depending on the positioning and orientation of synoptic circulation systems in the lower, middle, and upper levels of the atmosphere. CAT is less likely to occur during the summer months over South Africa since the upper westerly trough systems and associated upper jet streams are not as well developed and occur less frequently than during the rest of the year.
The table below describes common synoptic patterns and features that result in windshear and various tools for identifying it. The information comes from WMO ETR Programme ETR-20 (WMO/TD-No. 1390) on Aviation Hazards (Empirical Forecasting Techniques for Clear Air Turbulence (CAT), at and the South African Weather Service.  

Common Synoptic Patterns and Features Resulting in Windshear
Synoptic Patterns
Synoptic Features
Tools for Identifying Features
On the cold (poleward) side of a jet stream
Near and below the core where the wind shear is greatest
NWP geopotential height and wind fields (200/300 hPa)
On the warm (equator ward) side of a jet stream, above the core
The stronger the jet, the more likely the CAT
NWP geopotential height and wind fields (200/300 hPa)
In developing upper ridges
Where the speed of wind around the ridge approaches its limit due to curvature
NWP geopotential height and wind fields (200/300 hPa)
In sharp upper troughs
Where wind direction changes abruptly
NWP geopotential height and wind fields (200/300 hPa)
Regions of confluence and diffluence
In jet streams (60% of CAT occurs near jet streams)
NWP geopotential height and wind fields (200/300 hPa)
May occur or be intensified over a region of convection
Especially embedded frontal convection
Satellite imagery/aerological diagrams
Can occur above towering cumulus or cumulonimbus (thermals/microbursts)
Where air is forced up at a rapid rate
Satellite imagery/aerological diagrams
Can occur in upper col areas (a col is a pass between two mounain peaks or a gap in a ridge)
Weak winds but marked direction changes
NWP wind fields (200/300 hPa)
Characteristic wave-like pattern of cirrus clouds (billows)
Indicates a breakdown in the turbulent flow
Satellite imagery (water vapour)
Normally occurs from 2000 ft above to 6000 ft below the tropopause
Aerological diagrams (tephigrams) and NWP tropopause height fields
CAT is rare above a well-defined tropopause
Aerological diagrams and NWP tropopause height fields

The following table provides windshear criteria for the various levels of CAT. (The information is also from WMO/TD-No. 1390.)
Wind Shear Criteria

Moderate CAT
Moderate to Severe CAT
Severe CAT
Vertical wind shear
≥6kt/1000 ft

≥ 9kt/1000 ft
Horizontal wind shear
≥ 20kt/1 degrees latitude

≥ 30kt/1 degree latitude
Wind speed deceleration
>40kt /10 degrees latitude
>60kt /10 degrees latitude
>125kt /10 degrees latitude
Wind direction shear

75 degree wind shift near to a temperature gradient

Jet streams are characterized by wind motions that generate strong vertical and horizontal shearing. Jet streams are the main source of CAT experienced by aircraft at cruising altitudes. They can be thousands of kilometres long, hundreds of kilometres wide, and a few kilometres deep.
In a study done by Briggs (1961) over the British Isles using 73 severe turbulence events, it was found that most CAT occurred with upper-level troughs below the jet axis and on the low pressure side of the jet. CAT also occurred above the jet axis with 15 and 10 events on the high and low pressure side respectively. CAT was mostly found within 200 km of the jet stream and 1500 to 4500 meters (5000 to 15000 ft) below the tropopause.

1. Check list  mechanical turbulence
 Eirik Mikal Samuelsen, Steinar Skare, Rita Moi

Criteria for SEV TURB:
Ø SEV TURB is strong mechanical turbulence and not covered by SEV MTW.
Ø Typical in situations with unstable air masses and strong wind passing over terrain

Horizontal extension:
Ø Wind in 925/850 hPa >= 60KT (SEV)
Ø WIND in 925/850 hPa >= 40KT (MOD)
Ø Wind direction with strong wind over hilly terrain

Vertical extension:
Ø Upper level: About 1,5 x mountain height, typical FL080/120
Ø Lower level: SFC

NB. The criteria are just a first guess, an indication.

2. Check list CAT (not mountain waves)
Ø Issued as SEV TURB
Ø If CAT is because of mountain waves, then publish as SEV MTW (ref check list SEV MTW)
Ø Strong jet with significant wind shear.

Criteria for horizontal extension for SEV CAT:
Ø More than 60 m/s (120KT) in the jet  
Ø Horizontal wind shear of minimum 30 m/s pr. 100km  (~60KT/latitude)
Ø Use quick menu CAT

Criteria for vertical extension:
Ø Upper limit: Tropopause in the warm air
Ø Lower limit: Tropopause in the cold air
Ø Please also check UK Met Office/Washington  significant weather charts for comparison/guidance

NB. The criteria are just a first guess, an indication.

Thresholds for MOD, MOD/SEV AND SEV CAT (first guess):

Horizontal wind shear
Wind speed in Jet maximum
> 20-25 m/s pr 100km
~ 80 - 100 knots
> 25-30 m/s pr 100 km
~ 100 - 120 knots
> 30 m/s pr 100 km
> 120 knots

 Also be aware of: 
Ø The strongest turbulence we find at the cold air side just above and just below the jet axis, meaning just close, but to the left of the jet axis relative to the wind direction.
Ø In a wavy jet, we find the most significant turbulence in the troughs, especially where we find the strongest changes in wind direction.
Ø It is not the wind speed itself which is responsible for the turbulence, but the wind shear.

Horizontal wind shear is defined as follows:
